black-bunny ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish I wish I hadn�t dropped that dish� I�ve spent the last few days wishing I was someone else. Strange experience that. I don�t usually wallow in such flights of fantasy. But still, I wonder, what it would be like to be someone else, just for a little while. What a strange place, this brain of mine. Also, if �good� can be defined as �not sucking horribly� than I can say that I�ve had a good few weeks. My recurring depression has yet to rear it�s monstrous head. I am thankful. I truly am. Thank you brain and body for cooperating and letting me enjoy the last few weeks. *knocks on wood* P.S. Ever hear a song once and decide to buy it on the spot? Internet shopping and PayPal is the devil, and I it's willing subject. The song? Oh, "The lunatics have taken over the asylum" by Collide (Vortex Album) 4:59 a.m. - 2004-10-29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |