

A real entry, finally.

So, I suppose I should actually make a real entry instead of posting lyrics again.

And, what have I been up to? Well, this past week, Dannyboi had the forethought to rent the Harry Potter movies in preparation for the newest release. That worked out wonderfully for me because I hadn t seen them.

Shocking, I know, apparently I ve been living in a cave all this while. A cave without satellite TV or a vcr, apparently. But that s all right. It was great to see them so close together.

Fuck man, though, that scene with the ballizon spiders, I could have lived without. Heebee-fucking-jeebees.

And so, welcome to my new diary. After my anonymity was busted with my last one, I decided to get a new one. Mind you, this bitch is paid for, so I had better leave less breadcrumbs lying about.

What happened with my last one is completely my fault. Like I said, too many breadcrumbs, too many references in public to the wrong, though well meaning, people.

I ve even kept the fact that it was discovered in between me and 3 friends. Godboy thought it was tragic, Dannyboi thought the circumstances were awfully weird, and NattyBoo said Well, what do you expect, it s the internet!

What did I expect? Certainly not privacy, but I wanted anonymity. But the thing about anonymity is that, like privacy, the onus falls heavily on your shoulders to maintain it. As I ve said before, I left too many breadcrumbs, mentioned one to many times how active I was on the internet, too many times the places I frequent, and inadvertently gave out my handle.

And so, a couple of embarrassing conversations later, I locked the ole diary up.

But, it s been a blessing. It s one less thing for me to dwell on. I have a hard time letting go, and the Universe seems to think that sometimes it s best if It pushes my hand. I ve not been feeling to well for a while, and my old diary was a good reminder that the days of blissful ignorance were long, long gone.

As shaithis said, good riddance to shitty pasts.

And now, that is what it is, past. Eventually, it will be taken down completely, once I ve archived all the information, and sporadic bits of poetry I wrote over the last few years.

Here s to a beginning, and hopefully, the end of something else.

12:32 p.m. - 2004-05-27


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