

I am a sexy librarian

And so, today, two weeks after I had my eyes checked, I sauntered down to the LensCrafters and got me a pair of spectacles.

I feel smarter already!

They are a simple pair really. Just black rimmed, slightly almond shaped. I had to choose between those and a pair that were green and purple. I know, I�m not normally one for colour, but they were so retro-looking! So cool! It hurt not to buy them. But I had to go for a pair that were versatile and had a larger lens, otherwise I�d still be squinting at my enormous screen here at work. But I did splurge on the anti-glare lens.

I also bought some black sweaters, for the fall. I love out-of-season shopping. Things are insanely cheap!


Don�t mean to bore you with my shopping excursions, but shopping is rarely an enjoyable occasion for me.�

I stopped in at the local Goth Shoppe. Talk about over-inundation! Floor-to-ceiling cool shit. Generally, the prices are reasonable. More than what you would pay for regular stuff, but often worth it, because unless you are extremely talented, you couldn�t make this stuff. Or, at least, I can�t make the stuff.

With that said:

A certain clothes company, who shall remain nameless, better get their collective head out of their collective ass. Although their designs are great, the fabric they use is, in a word or two, absolute shite. We are talking about fabric that is so thin, so synthetic, so cheap that there is no way you could wear any of those lovely items more than once or twice before some small tear would occur, which, with this fabric, would quickly lead to a big tear, and then an item that is beyond mending.

If you want me to spend 90$ on a top, you had better make it out of something that will take a lifetime of clubs and raunchy sex.

Seriously. Smarten up.

No matter. Because now I just go this shop, carefully note how the item was made and make a sketch at home. If I really want this item, I�ll just find a cheap look-alike pattern and make it at home.

Today I tooled around with some ideas on what to do with my old bras. You know, you spend 30$ on a bra, you want to do something to it when it�s lost it�s support.

Oh, and I�ve got ideas baby. Do I ever.

NorthBound Leather hosts it�s annual fashion show this October, and I want a new outfit.

I should scoot. I have beer and reading glasses to pick up!

Have a good Canada Day kiddies!

4:14 p.m. - 2004-06-30


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